A Life Highlights book is designed to highlight a few of your best life's stories and values, or it can be focused on a particular theme or time period, such as your childhood or military service.
We begin with a series of interviews, transcribe and edit to create the book's narrative, and add photos to highlight your life's most compelling stories and important values.
A Good Life illustrates the colorful personality of a teacher, mother, and grandmother who always looks on the bright side.
My Life Well-Remembered- highlights favorite stories of a man's family life and the values he hopes to pass on to his children.
Cadet Nurse and Fighter Pilot - the adventures of our parents in World War II.
Riches of His Grace - reminiscences of God's influence in a woman's life
My Life Thus Far - a short life story of a courageous woman in her nineties.
A Backward Glance is a collection of hilarious vignettes from Nevada rancher and mayor Jimmie Hughes.
Faith in Our Family is a collection of faith experiences connecting four generations of the Pinegar family, using a painting by a family member on the cover.
A Life Well-Lived chronicles the first-person remembrances of Michael Mazzarella, whose daughter surreptitiously collected his stories and photos and sent them to us to design a book as a surprise gift.
A comprehensive personal history is longer than a Life Highlights book and gives a more detailed view of your life. We craft the narrative in your own voice from multiple in-depth interviews and personal writings, and add more photographs. Here are just a few samples:
A Life Blessed is the autobiography of Eugene England, founder of the C.R. England Trucking company. This oversized coffee-table book tells stories from his ancestry and family, as well as his war experiences and his successful career. Written as a first-person narrative compiled from multiple interviews with Gene and his family.
Living Joyfully is the life journey of Marlene Riggs, wife, mother, and expert joy-maker. We captured her bubbly personality in this colorful oversized book.
Reflections on Life's Journey is a collection of stories, philosophy, and great photos from the fascinating life of Gordon Johnson, rendered in a oversize art book.
The design for My Life was inspired by mid-century travel posters from Laura Wilde's childhood in her native Uruguay.
The Man Behind the Legend, a tribute to the life of eminent chemist (and family man) Marvin Johnson.
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In a biography, we craft the story of your life (or a family member's life) looking from the outside in, with an objective viewpoint. Using extensive interviews, research, and creative writing talent, our biographies are suitable for either general or private publication. For pricing and writing samples or to discuss your project further, contact us.
Look Beyond the Weeds, a third-person biography of philanthropist Beverley Taylor Sorenson written from personal and family interviews, papers, and diaries.
Riding the Horse I Have Today spins the life tale of Lonnie Ledbetter, successful businessman, horse rancher, and pilot. We traveled to Lonnie’s Texas ranch to get his stories, to conduct interviews with friends and family, and to gather and shoot photos.
Tender Mercies is the story of the Debenham family, a large and luxurious coffee-table book with stunning photos and a third-person narrative crafted from personal interviews and five decades of personal diaries.
Here are some samples of comprehensive family histories, presented as oversize coffee table books.
Duty, Honor, Country is the saga of generations of a family who served in America's military. Family member James Morrison wrote the narrative and we provided editing and design for this stunning historical record.
The Zeleznik Sisters Remember is a unique two-book combination of family history with narrative family stories written in a fictional style. The oversize coffee table book displays the complete family history with lots of pictures. The companion trade-size book contains only the story narrative and is available for sale to the public.
Journeys chronicles the migration of the DiCarlo family from Italy to America in the early twentieth century. Dave DiCarlo wrote the narrative and we provided book design.
Glimpses of the Lives of Stan and Wanda Bean was compiled posthumously about this couple from an extensive collection of personal writings, diaries, family memories, and photos. The Bean family commissioned this book for a family reunion.
Grandpa McNaughtan Had a Farm is a collection of memories about a family farm that was soon to be sold to developers. The farm is now gone, replaced with a golf course and luxury homes, but the family treasures this keepsake book and one-hour documentary video.
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Ancestral and genealogical histories vary greatly in scope, size, and complexity. We can breathe life into your ancestors' data by adding family photos, stories, maps, historical photos, and beautiful chart design. Family lines can be arranged by ancestry, descendancy, generationally, or a combination.
Arcadia: Peterson Family History and the Secrets of a Swedish Nobleman is a stunning coffee table book which uses gorgeous family photos, paintings, rare documents, maps, and photos of family relics to make this multigenerational family history un-put-down-able. Some of the stories are told in “vignettes” in a historical-fiction narrative style. We worked with the author and expert researcher to bring to life the artistic vision of his family history.
The Ancestry of Elmer Clare Armstrong is much more than pedigree charts and genealogical data. This four-generation ancestry book includes photographs and personal stories about the cast of characters in one man's ancestry.
Legacy of Triumph is the epic generational story of a Chicago family whose ancestry spanned from American slavery to French royalty. We extracted data from our client's Ancestry.com account and researched historical photos to help tell the tale.
The Ancestors of Alfred Grebe and Marie Cyr started life as a dry genealogical report in a word document. We researched historical photos and maps and added them to an oversize art book design to make this family's Arcadian roots come alive.
McGowan - The Descendants of George Willard McGowan and Sarah Ann Duntontells the journey of a couple's nineteenth-century migration from the American Midwest to frontier Canada, with stories from the lives of the descendants of their nine children.
Koellner Family History started as a genealogy software-generated narrative. We added some stories, photos, and original design to make it engaging and entertaining to read.
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Here are a few comprehensive histories with a particular focus on successful careers.
The Creative Life of Janet Swenson highlights a half century of creative genius by a leading theatrical costume designer.
Merline Leaming - A Modern Classic chronicles the style of Marlene Leaming, pioneer interior designer who brought modern design to mid-century Salt Lake City. We created her book from interviews with a minimalist, classic feel to fit her design aesthetic.
Fred S. Ball - I'm Not Lucky, I'm Blessed is full of amusing and gripping stories from Fred's career with the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce and as host of Zions Bank's "Speaking on Business."
An Extraordinary Life - The Biography of Robert Marquardt , business mogul and founder of Management Training Corporation.
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These books are made to match. For couples who want to complete separate life history books, yet have their books complement each other in theme and design.
This woman's delightful history I May Be Old -- Someday, chronicling her journey from Germany to America, was created when she was 104 years old. We also created a companion book for her deceased husband, who had written his own history before he died but had never published it.
Unfaltering Faith is the life story of Hendricus Hoole. His wife, Daryl Hoole, finished her history, A Living Testimony, two years later. Although each history was quite different, we created a harmonious design for both so they would go well together.
Mack Lawrence's book, The Road I Have Taken, and his wife Judy's book, The Road Less Traveled, were each inspired by Robert Frost's famous poem. But the design of each book was tailored to their individual styles.
Kendall and Marva Hatch
Don and Jean Bradshaw
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We also create commemorative and historical books for corporations, municipalities, and organizations.
The People of MTC: 40 Years of Changing Lives tells the story of the beginnings of the Job Corps program and the founding of Management Training Corporation, which works to help incarcerated people prepare for life outside.
Thousand Peaks Ranch: 100 Years of Stewardship. The story of a large ranch in the mountains of Utah and the family who cares for the land.
They Dared to Soar: Memories of the Music vividly illustrates 62 years of a high school band in Athens, Alabama, written by the daughter of the band’s longtime director.
Herriman - A Pioneer History. The 150-year history of the city of Herriman, Utah. We researched, wrote, and designed this book with the cooperation of the Herriman Historical Committee.
Heber Light and Power - 100 Years of Service. The history of a small-town electric utility company that to this day services the needs of the residents of Heber, Utah.
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The Book of Highly is a memorial tribute to Highly Falkner, a dynamic man who lived life to the fullest. His family and friends remind each other to "live like Highly."
Ruth Taylor Madsen Ogilvie was a talented writer, artist and musician who left behind many a wealth of material when she passed. We worked with her family to create this comprehensive coffee-table memory book which includes many of Ruth’s own writings.
I Wish You Bluebirds is a tribute to a mother, based on a series of mother-daughter interviews and lovely photographs. This petite 6" x 9" book is full of sweet reminiscences.
Memories of LaWanna. A tribute designed for the family of a young woman who passed away decades ago. We scanned her mementos from a large unwieldy "book of remembrance" scrapbook that she left behind, and designed this much more manageable (and shareable) book.
Remembering Wendy - Reflections of a Life Well-Lived . This book was created to honor the memory of a young woman who was stricken with lymphoma shortly after the birth of her second child. It is a glimpse of her life told through a collection of photographs, letters and poetry.
Showcase your painting, photography, or other artistic creations in a beautiful, glossy coffee table book.
Memories - Paintings by Dr. Blaine Clemens
Earth Impressions - Black and white photography by James Jenkins
Make your travel experiences as memorable as the trip itself with an oversize travel journal book.
An Oberammergau Sandwich
Jeep Adventures
Skiing the Alps
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Create a book for your children or grandchildren to help them connect with their family history stories.
Honest Elmer is a personal project we created for our grandson, which tells the story of his fifth great-grandfather, Elmer Armstrong, who had hair-raising adventures as a Union sutler during the American Civil War. We used a combination of youth illustrations (custom-designed by gifted artist Alex Allred) and historical photos.
Grandma's Dolls and When Grandpa Was a Boy give Gordon and Sharon Spencer's grandchildren an idea of what life was like when they were young.
Jampa Goes to Zion tells the story of a pioneer ancestor's bravery and determination, illustrated by original paintings by a descendant.
We are so excited to be back at RootsTech live this year! Come by and see the Pictures and Stories booth (#1609) and see some of the many new books we’ve helped our clients create. Alison is giving two in-person classes: The Seven Deadly Sins of Building a Digital Archive, and Making a Genealogy Story Book. Hope to see you there!