UGA South Davis Family History Fair
April 25-26, Woods Cross High School
We will be presenting at next week's UGA South Davis Family History Fair. Hope to see you there!
We will be teaching three classes here, along with a terrific lineup of instruction and keynote speakers. Hope to see you there! (Stop by our Pictures and Stories booth to say hello and to get some great personal and family history book ideas.)
Here are the classes we'll be teaching on Saturday:
9:15 - "How to Choose and Use Photos in a Personal/Family History Book" (Alison)
10:30 - "How to Interview Yourself for a Personal History" (Tom)
3:30 - "Your Photos - from Chaos to C.A.L.M." (Alison)
Click here for more info. From the UGA:
"There are over 100 classes organized into five sessions ranging from beginner to advanced and covering the globe. An electronic syllabus with all handouts for the conference is included in the $20 registration fee ($15 for UGA members) and options for a printed syllabus and lunches are also available.
"Friday night is a free session for families. The keynote address will be by Darroll Young, a youth motivational speaker for 10 years received a Bachelor’s Degree from USU and a Master’s degree in public administration from BYU. He has served as an officer in the military through deployments in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
"Saturday’s program will start with a keynote address by DIANE C. LOOSLE, AG, CG, currently the Director of the Family History Library and FamilySearch Centers worldwide.
"To find out more about the fair and to register to attend, please go to"