Since we have gained such a wealth of wisdom from a decade of working with wonderful people, we have decided to continue posting some of these nuggets that have so inspired us.
This week's quote is from our client and friend, Daryl Hoole. We first met Daryl and her husband Hank a few years ago, when we helped him publish his autobiography, Unfaltering Faith.
Wisdom about house and home from Daryl Hoole.
Daryl is an efficiency expert and the author of the bestselling The Art of Homemaking and many other books about homemaking, family, and child rearing. She truly lives what she teaches, because she is the most organized client we've ever had! We have loved working with her and Hank and we have recently had the privilege of helping design and publish Daryl's autobiography, A Living Testimony.
Here's a great quote from Daryl on the subject of motherhood:
There’s no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a good
one. And it’s different for every mother as she builds upon her strengths and gifts for the benefit and blessing of her family.
I also love the following passage from Daryl's book:
Much of the sadness in the world comes as a result of people losing their homes. There are people who are homeless for physical reasons. Natural and manmade disasters throughout the history of the world have left countless people homeless. Personal problems such as becoming ill or disabled, experiencing severe financial reverses or undergoing a foreclosure can cause people to lose their houses. We would wish for everyone that recovery is possible and that soon there would be another house for their home.
There is also an emotional homelessness because houses are not always homes. Even though the structure may be in place, qualities that make a house a home are missing to one extent or another. It is the people who are the home, and we would pray for these people that broken hearts can be mended and broken lives can be fixed.
Just as houses are not always homes, sometimes the blessings of home do not need a structure to be found. In other words, there are situations where it’s possible to have a home without a house to put it in. I remember feeling that way as a child when my father’s military assignments caused us to relocate frequently.
A house becomes a home when a person feels loved and understood there; when it is a place where family and friends are comfortable and happy; when good dinners are served and good times happen within its walls; when the family gathers; when it’s a place of fun and laughter; when it’s a secure, safe place; when there are warm, fuzzy blankets and soft pillows. It’s where children are taught life skills and how to be self-reliant. It’s where there are cookies and milk after school. It’s where cleanliness and order can be found. It’s a place of patience, selflessness, and forgiveness. It is where challenges are faced by coupling temporal endeavors with eternal perspectives. It’s where joy through gospel teaching and living prevails, and where love is strong enough to bind the family forever.
Thanks, Daryl!
Opening pages of Daryl Hoole's autobiography, "A Living Testimony."
Click here to see pages from Hank Hoole's book more of our custom books.