This story of a Chicago family is one of the most fascinating books I've had the pleasure to design. Our client had spent years researching the origins of her family, and had a grand vision of what she wanted to accomplish with this book. It is the story of her grandparents: one descended from American slaves, originally from Africa, and the other descended from French royalty. We extracted the genealogical data from the client's Ancestry account and combined it with family photos, supplementing with historical photos to tell the story not just of this family, but of the cultures surrounding her family through the ages. From the ancient kings of Africa, to the royal court of France, through slavery in the Deep South, Prohibition-era Chicago, and the civil rights movement in the 1970s--the book shows how one family, led by a dedicated grandfather, overcame the poverty and hardship of the previous generations to become educated and successful business leaders, educators, and doctors. It is a Legacy of Triumph.
Genealogy information was extracted from the client's account.