Now that you've scanned all your old family photos and genealogical documents, here's a simple way to keep them organized in folders on your computer or in cloud storage. When your stuff is well-organized, it will be so much easier to make a genealogy book or upload to a website.
I use a color-coded filing method (developed by Mary Hill) for all my genealogical paper. I've been happily using this simple, logical method for years, so I have transferred the same method to my computer system. Here's how I did it.
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We are so excited to be back at RootsTech live this year! Come by and see the Pictures and Stories booth (#1609) and see some of the many new books we’ve helped our clients create. Alison is giving two in-person classes: The Seven Deadly Sins of Building a Digital Archive, and Making a Genealogy Story Book. Hope to see you there!